About Me
Samantha is a certified Animal Reiki Practitioner, Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 Practitioner, as well as a certified Geo Love Healing Practitioner, which uses sacred geometry as powerful healing modality and certified in the practice of Basic Systematic Kinesiology.
Reiki and other healing modalities have changed her life in the most positive way and Samantha is keen to share the power of healing with as many beings as she can.
Samantha’s love for animals has grown deeper and deeper over the years, as she found herself looking after friend’s pets and instantly noticing how happy and joyful they made her feel and the love they seem to exude all day long and how her low moods would quickly disappear. She believes that animals are themselves healers, as their unconditional love uplifts and soothes the human heart instantaneously.
As Samantha delved deeper into her healing practices she was naturally drawn to working with animals, as they have shown her the unconditional love they naturally live by. This led her to become certified as an animal reiki healer so that she may give back that same unconditional love through healing and help support their emotional and physical needs as best she can.
Samantha has worked with shelter dogs that have been rescued from very traumatic and harsh environments and has seen the incredible results that reiki has had with their recovery, both physically and emotionally.